
つかう みがく つなぐ おもいで





田宮 慎

Use – Polish – Connect – Remember:
From the Forests to Modern Life

When I was a child, it was custom to gift each other local handicraft items. We still have many traditional handicraft items from Akita in our house. With the rapid economic growth after the war and society’s sudden adoption of mass production and consumption, there was a change to the items people desired as well: things that are even harder to break, that stay like new forever, that are cheap and follow current trends in shape and color.

There are four officially designated traditional crafts in Akita: Odate mage-wappa (bentwood), Kabaizaiku (wild cherry bark work), Kawatsura lacquerware, and Akita cedar tubs and barrels. Any given home in Akita possesses at least one of these craft items. They are items of daily use and as such become intricate parts of people’s lives. Another thing they have in common is that they are made with resources from the forests.

Akita, too, sees itself influenced by the newly defined sustainable development goals aimed at mitigating climate change, or by global trends like upcycling and renovating. But Akita’s traditional crafts are already in complete compliance with such trends. That is one of the reasons why I want to create an opportunity to take a fresh look at local traditional crafts with regard to their role for our future lives.

Focusing on themes like ‘life,’ ‘memories,’ ‘change over time’ and others, I would like to introduce Akita’s traditional crafts as well as stories about their materials and manufacturing processes, and try to discover ways to pass them on to future users. They are items that, given occasional fixes, can be used for many generations. I look forward to discussing the inimitable beauty produced by the wear and tear of natural materials with our visitors and participants.

Makoto Tamiya

1. 「秋田の伝統的工芸品に


1. Call for
“episodes related to traditional crafts in Akita”

It will be accepted on the WEB and at the Cultural Creation Center until June 18, 2021.

2. 「押入れに眠る秋田の


2. Call for
“Akita’s traditional crafts sleeping in the closet”

We will hold an event to recruit unused (no longer used) traditional crafts from Akita prefecture that are sleeping at home and connect them to the next user. It will be accepted from March 21, 2021 until the end of the session.

4. 職人による実演・ワークショップ「”つくる”と”なおす”」

・川連漆器 編:7月18日(日)、25日(日)、31日(土)
・大館曲げわっぱ 編:7月24日(土)、9月25日(土)
・秋田杉桶樽 編:8月7日(土) ※実演のみ
・樺細工 編:9月5日(日)、23日(木・祝)

4. Demonstration and repair reception by craftsmen